In the meantime, check out these powerful resources about FEV Tutor's research & evidence basis.
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FEV Tutor has effectively accelerated learning outcomes for students nationally. We have created an effective implementation model that uses formal partnerships and integrations as well as a world-class customer success team to scale programs with outcomes at the forefront. FEV Tutor is committed to ongoing research, evidence, and efficacy to drive learning initiatives. Based on FEV Tutor's work supporting priority student populations, we are recognized as an ESSA Evidence-Based Intervention (Level 2).

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Research Behind the Platform
Choosing a tutoring program that has proven effective, is based on rigorous research, aligns with the curriculum, and incorporates best practices for effective 1:1 tutoring is of greater importance now more than ever. Check out our Buyer’s Guide to learn more about Evidence-Based High-Impact Tutoring to Accelerate Learning.
This report discusses findings from a research study conducted by Old Dominion University in 2015. The study specifically looks at online tutoring program’s impact on low-achieving middle school students across math. The tutoring was provided as RTI Tier 3 supports. The study looks at data across 120 students within 2 schools.
Research suggests that high-impact tutoring can produce large learning gains for most students, including those who have fallen below grade level and participate in Response to Intervention (RTI) Tier 2 or Tier 3 interventions. Check out this white paper to learn more about how schools can supplement their existing math programs with the benefits of a rigorous tutoring program.